Center for Scientific Research Work of Students-CNIRS
The Center for Scientific Research Work of Students (CNIRS) of the Medical Faculty in Niš has been a section of the Student Parliament for many years now. CNIRS is a volunteer organization of educational character, which gathers students of all study programs with the basic goal of helping them master the first steps in the development of scientific research. The Center has a tradition, so many of our professors, today distinguished names in Serbian, but also in the world's biomedical science, bind their beginnings to CNIRS.
CNIRS each year prepares for the Congress of the students of biomedical science of Serbia, organizes the Mini congress at our faculty, which is actually a "general rehearsal" for the National Congress. At previous congresses, students of the Medical Faculty in Nis have achieved very noticeable results, as evidenced by a large number of award-winning papers from different fields.
In addition to local student congresses, CNIRS students are also helping to present themselves in prestigious international congresses, but also to publish their works, both in domestic and foreign journals. With their scientific research work and their personal successes, students present their faculty in the best way - the Faculty of Medicine in Niš.
CNIRS has launched the publication of an expert-scientific journal of students of the Medical Faculty, Student Medical Journal. The main idea and goal of the journal is to enable the publication of scientific research papers by students of medical sciences, to encourage and interest students for research work as well as to inform them about the latest achievements in the field of medical sciences. We hereby invite all interested students of our Faculty, as well as students of related faculties of other Universities in the country and abroad to send their works to the Publishing Competition, which will be open throughout the year (e-mail: )
All CNIRS announcements, as well as dates and deadlines for applications for congresses can be found on the bulletin board in front of the Student Parliament, can be obtained from the Student Parliament or faculty website.
Use additional information and specific questions (e-mail: )