Academic assembly
Academic assembly represents the professional body of the Faculty of Medicine.
The FACULTY STATUTE defines all the competences of the Teaching-Scientific Council. Some of them are:
- establishes the proposal of the Statute of the Faculty;
- determines the candidate's proposal for the election of the Dean of the Faculty;
- elects members of the Faculty Council from among the representatives of the Faculty;
- selects representatives of the Faculty in the bodies of the University;
- proposes candidate for Rector of the University;
- proposes the annual work program of the Faculty;
- proposes study programs for all types and levels of study;
- determines the narrower scientific areas;
MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMIC ASSEMBLY consists of representatives of the Faculty Administration, representatives of the Faculty Chairs and student representatives. Each chair represents one member, except the Chair of Internal Medicine and the Department of Surgery, which represent two members.
Academic assembly appoints committees as follows:
- Primary education committee
- Committee for Postgraduate Academic Studies
- Committee for Specialist Studies
- Committee for Scientific Research
- Committee for Health Care
- Publishing Committee
- Committee on normative activity i
- Library Board
The task of each committee is to prepare and submit competent proposals in the area of its competence.
MEMBERS of the Board of the Academic Assembly.